According to His Grace Mar Ivanios, the founder of our Congregation, the life of a religious is based on the union with God and service to the fellowmen. “The specific feature of our religious life is to imitate the simple the simple life of our Lord who in union with God the Father in prayer went about doing good to all, in complete renunciation and simplicity of religious life”. H.R. Art.7 His Grace, the founder entrusted the sisters with the educational activities with the aim that the sisters should get into the needs of the families and educate women and children according to the time and place. Therefore it is our duty to provide each student with the best education possible based on the fundamental human values and the child must be helped to develop a wholesome personality for which due emphasis is given in the curriculum for intellectual, physical, moral and spiritual growth. A sense of social awareness and responsibility must be created in the growing child making him/her self-reliant. We aim at forming fine human persons, worthy citizens who are committed to the sublime values of our nature. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me. He has anointed me to preach the Good News to the poor, sent me to proclaim liberty to captives, sight to the blind, and set at liberty those who are oppressed”. Lk. 4:18-19.Our mission in education is to provide an education of quality and relevance to all and in particular to the marginalized sections of Society and also that frees persons from the social conditioning such as caste, class and other prejudices that prevents them from living peacefully. Our schools provide ample opportunities for curricular and Co- curricular activities. Moral class is compulsory for all classes. K C S L, Unit of Bharat Scouts and Guides, N. C. C, D C L etc are well conducted. The students are trained to participate in the Social Service activities such as construction of houses for the poor, financial help for the sick etc. Having a good Library, reading habit is inculcated in our children. Above all sisters engaged in educational activities should instil in children and the youth, the importance of prayer life, discipline, truthfulness, responsibility, sense of values and generosity.