The press, of its power and nature is of towering importance .It is one of the most useful, effective means of stimulating man’s critical faculties and of helping them to form their own opinions. It was an American lady who had sent a treadle –printing machine for the sisters. Buying the other necessary equipments, a small printing press started functioning at Thirumoolapuram. Now it is functioning in the town, Tiruvalla.. It is not only through preaching and writing but also through the printing press many works of God could be accomplished. Today all the classics of religious literature are available in the form of paper backs and every sort of booklets. The catholic press can be marvelously effective in bringing knowledge of the world to the church. It is our task through our press to balance, to complete and, if necessary, to correct the news and comments about religion and Christian life. It must be a glass to reflect the world and a light to show the way. It is a meeting place for the exchange of views. We must take it as our earnest duty to prepare talented sisters for this field of missionary activity. We must produce attractive Christian literature and encourage our people to read them. We could keep our people in touch with the church through the medium of press.