Through the apostolate of caring the sick, we continue the mission of Christ, the good Samaritan, who took care of the sick and entrusted this task to His disciple. Pope Paul VI called nursing religious, living symbols of the Church’s charity, witnesses to Christ in the hospital environment. We must visit the sick in the hospital and families in a spirit of sacrifice so that we may be worthy of the words of our savior. “I was sick and you visited me”Mt.25:36. Caring for the physical, mental and spiritual affairs of the sick, we must make them feel the healing touch of Christ. We must have the insight to see that the poor have easy access to our hospitals and clinics and to maintain cordial attitude towards them. We Bethany sisters are continuing the healing ministry of Jesus. We are running our own health organizations and working in various institutions and supporting them. Our health ministry is self-sufficient and enriched with qualified with health care professionals. We have sister doctors in different streams of medical science such as Allopathic, Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Naturopathy. Our sisters are working in various departments of healing ministry as staff nurses, Para clinicians and administrative staff. Our services are:- Community outreach programs to help the sick in the remote area of the country; Services providing in co-operation with State Government; Training for skill development and nursing education through our Nursing School; Spiritual assistance –availing Holy Sacraments, anointing the sick etc.; Extended services-Our sisters render their services in different countries such as Ethiopia, America, Germany and Italy. Moreover our sisters involved in health care services are self-sacrificing, service minded, prudent and merciful.