Our religious consecration has made us sisters to all and at the same time representatives of the church and human society. We are therefore bound to give our help to the members of the society. Our love for the poor is our love for God. Service to the people is our participation to the salvific action of Jesus. The statues of the women religious exercise a profound influence in the development of social service. By leading others to provide for themselves, the religious experience a sense of self fulfillment and an effective integration of her religious personality. To imitate Christ who voluntarily identified Himself with the poor, we must stand with them and work for their total liberation. Help for the aged, the handicapped, the emarginated etc. deserve particular attention. More importance and encouragement should be given to the different activities we have already undertaken, such as health education programme, Service for the disabled, family apostolate, care for orphans. We must be happy to spend ourselves and our possessions with the convention that what we are and what we have belong to the poor. We must give importance to work in the parishes. We should try to form the parish community into a family that worships God the Father in truth and in spirit. It is our duty to lead Christian families into a deeper experience of God through religious education, vocation promotion, Scripture reading and prayer that is relevant of life and experience.