Mar Ivanios was a genius, saintly soul who sought the ways of God throughout his life. He put all his trust in Him and listened patiently for His voice. To gain souls was his only aim. He heeded the call of God to establish peace and spiritual renewal in his community. That was why he embraced the path of self-negation and thereby founded religious communities for men and women. He believed that only those who had renounced everything could do selfless service for the community. In his book, ‘Girideepam’, he wrote, “The apostles of Jesus Christ were those who renounced themselves. Those who posses God are those who have acquired the strength of the mind and the grace of God. Only such people could say like the apostles, “Behold! We have left everything and followed you.” They are the true evangelists. It is only through them that the world can come to know Jesus Christ.” page 61, Mountain Torch. In his Pastoral letters, Servant of God Archbishop Mar Ivanios had very clearly explained the importance of Faith Formation, Missionary Activities, Loving Commands for little children, Family prayers, Vocation promotion etc. Preaching the Gospel, conducting retreats, teaching catechism, giving spiritual instructions, preparing for receiving sacraments, house visit, parish visit etc are some of the services we can do.