‘The promotion of unity belongs to the innermost nature of the Church since she is, by her relationship with Christ, both a sacramental sign and an instrument of intimate union with God, and of the unity of all mankind.’ Lumen Gentium No.1.Such a mission of unification requires in the first place that we foster within the church herself mutual esteem, reverence and harmony, through the full recognition of lawful diversity. Vat: Council ‘Gravissimum Educationis’ No.92. It is our primary duty to foster such mutual esteem and harmony within the church. It is to be recognized that in virtue of their baptism and commitment to Christ, Christians are brought into membership in the Church. Ecumenical activities should be focused on the life of prayer, worship, especially prayer of unity. We should recognize the continuing activity of the Holy Spirit over all different churches. Such recognition will lead to mutual evaluation and appreciation. As various Christian Churches sought to reform and renew themselves in fidelity to the Gospel, the Holy Spirit granted valid insights and special gifts proper to authentic Christian life. We religious should prepare stages for dialogue between different churches with the approval of competent ecclesiastic authorities. Let us remember the words of Pope John Paul II to the members of the Malankara Church during his visit to Trivandrum on Feb 8, 1986. “Today I wish to encourage you in your faith, in your fidelity to your ancient traditions, in your sincere efforts to promote fraternal relationships with your brothers and sisters of the Jacobite and Orthodox Churches and other ecclesial communions”. We, the religious of the Malankara Syrian Church should strive to prove to be a powerful instrument for the evangelization and spiritual enrichment of our vast country in fulfillment of the prophetic words of the Holy Father. “May your constant aspiration be that the time will soon come when the prayer of our Lord for perfect unity among his disciples will be realized …. so that the Church in every place and in every age may strive forth as a people made one with the unity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit”.