The Congregation can have formed houses, non formed houses and mission houses. The Congregation can administer mission institutions which are not owned by it. Formed House
Formed House
In order to establish a formed house there should be at least six professed sisters. In formed houses, the local superior is elected by the local synaxis with the approval of the provincial superior.
Non- Formed Houses
Non formed houses and mission houses can be established in places where it is not possible to establish formed houses. There should be at least three professed sisters as members in order to establish a non-formed house.
Mission Houses
Where there are less than three members, mission houses can be established. The superiors of the non-formed houses and of the mission houses are appointed by the provincial superior in consultation with her council.
In order to establish a house, the provincial superior requires besides the consent of her council and the general council, a written permission of the eparchial bishop where the house is to be established (CCEO c.509 # 1).