The Congregation of the Sisters of the Imitation of Christ (SIC), called Bethany Sisters' was founded by Servant of God Mar lvanios on 21 September 1925 in the Syrian Jacobite Church. Mar lvanios believed that the spiritual renovation of the Malankara Jacobite Church is possible only through dedicated men and women in the Church.
Learn MoreThe Charism of Bethany Madhom is the Imitation of Jesus Christ,
combining a life of prayer and active service in line with Oriental Christian
and Indian monastic traditions. Our primary focus is the proclamation of the
Word of God and engaging in various apostolic activities aimed at the spiritual
revival of the Malankara Catholic Church, fostering re-union, evangelizing
India and the world and empowering women.
The Syrian Christians of Kerala were traditionally believed to have been converted to Christianity by St. Thomas the Apostle who landed in Kerala in A.D. 52. Kerala was also called Malabar or Malankara, the land between the mountain and the sea.This Christian community was of one faith and had used the Syrian Liturgy in worship till the Portuguese came t
Our Congregation prefers to offer the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world especially to India, keeping intact the spirit and traditions of Eastern Monasticism which gives priority to the inner attentiveness to God as the "one thing necessary"(Luke 10:42). As a congregation, we are called to participate in the redempive mission of the Triune God and striv
The name of our congregation is "Sisters of the Imitation of Christ". Our sisters are known as "Bethany sisters" and our houses are known as "Bethany Madhoms" (Bethany convents). The Bethany Madhom is a family modeled after "Bethany" in the Gospel; the house of Mary, Martha and Lazarus. It embodies the spirit of Bethany as a house of consolation and as a house of response wherein the members lead a simple life of prayer, action and evengelization.The Bethany Sisters are called to live a life of prayer filled with the love of God as Mary, a life of service filled with the love of God as Martha and life of servent testimony to resurrection as Lazarus. These obligations are to be fulfilled by loving and imitating Jesus firmly.
“If any want to become my followers let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me” Mk.8:34."
Prayerful greetings to all my beloved brothers and sisters from the SIC Generalate.
The Charism of Bethany Madhom is the Imitation of Jesus Christ, combining a life of prayer and active service in line with Oriental Christian and Indian monastic traditions. Our primary focus is the proclamation of the Word of God and engaging in various apostolic activities aimed at the spiritual revival of the Malankara Catholic Church, fostering re-union, evangelizing India and the world and empowering women. To imitate Jesus Christ in his life of prayer is to experience a sense of constant union with God through meditation, with special emphasis on the Word of God, active participation in the liturgical life of the Church, and the observance of the spiritual exercises prescribed in this Holy rule and such other practices. To imitate Jesus Christ in his life of action to follow his footsteps, who by proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom God on earth and leading the people to the eternal Father, saved us from sin and sufferings and made us partakers in his divine life. Our active life consists of apostolic works, connected with and directed towards the spreading of the Gospel among the believers and non-believers directly and indirectly. We are also called to witness the unity of the Church through a life of communion participating in the life of the Triune God, renewing the Church through a life of prayer and action and reaching out to the powerless and the voiceless, especially women and children and empowering them. Wishing you all the best
Sincerely Yours
Sr. Dr. Ardra SIC
Superior General
Superiors' Conference of Trivandrum & Pathanamthitta Provinces held at Valakom Convent on February 02, 2023
Hearty Congratulations our dear Mother Ardra. We are proud of you!!!. May the Holy Spirit assist you in your new assignment. We assure you our sincere prayers and wholehearted support
Conducted Farewell at Bethany Sisters' Generalate on February 5, 2023 after their one-month Exposure Programme
Jubilee Celebrations of our loving Most Rev. Dr. Yoohanon Mar Chrysostom and our Silver Jubilarians 2023
Our Website is being launched by Rev. Dr. Mathai Kadavil OIC, Superior General of Bethany Ashram on 29th November 2021.
Mother General visited Most Rev. Dr. Mathews Mar Severios, the Catholica Bava of the Malankara Orthodox Church at Devalokom along with our OIC Superior General and Fathers. Sr. Ardra SIC (Asst.General) accompanied mother on that special occasion.